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Facial chiromassage: technique and contraindications

Chiromassage, also known as Spanish massage, is an original technique developed by Spanish massage therapist Enrique Castells Garcia in the 80s of the 20th century.

Its incomparable advantage is that chiromassage affects not only the human body but also the psychoemotional component.

Many clients who attended facial chiromassage note that after the procedure they feel lightness, complete relaxation and harmony within themselves.

Chiromassage by the method of Enrique Castells Garcia

Энрике Кастеллс ГарсияFacial chiromassage combines elements of European and Oriental massage. Thanks to their correct combination, chiromassage comprehensively affects the entire body, strengthening and rejuvenating it.

But the whole secret of chiromassage lies in the correct approach of the master. A good massage therapist himself sees which system is better to influence, and depending on this he plans further massage techniques.

As the author of the methodology himself said: “There are only 4 systems through which I can affect the human body. It reminds me of 4 different doors leading to the same house. And I can enter through any of these doors, using the technique that is currently best suited. "

Chiromassage: types

Since the chiromassage has 4 systems that it acts on (articular, vascular, nervous and muscle), that are 4 types of massage, which are slightly different in their techniques:

  • Mio-intensive massage
    It affects the joints by kneading and massaging the muscles. Improves blood circulation, strengthens the joint apparatus and accelerates the absorption of fluids.
  • Hemolymphatic massage
    Such a massage can accelerate the regeneration of muscles and tissues, increase skin elasticity and reduce varicose veins.
  • Neurosedative massage
    It is aimed at the energy channels of the body. Relieves irritability and fatigue and emotional stress.
  • Chiromassage
    It has a direct effect on the muscles of the body. Restores their mobility, elasticity and performance after heavy loads. Chiromassage also improves metabolism and removes harmful toxins from the body.

Facial chiromassage

хиромассаж лицаThere is an opinion that a quality facial chiromassage can replace even plastic surgery if you comprehensively and consciously approach this procedure.

This massage technique effectively fights wrinkles, restores the contour of the face, and also has anti-aging properties. In addition, facial chiromassage is able to eliminate puffiness and dark circles under the eyes.

Facial chiromassage: technique

Before the procedure, it is necessary to remove all cosmetics from the face and décolleté. Then the massage therapist puts the necessary amount of oil on the palm of his hand and begins to kind of “glide” over the face surface with soft smooth movements. It is worth noting that an insufficient amount of massage oil can lead to the formation of new creases and wrinkles, so if you are uncomfortable during the massage, be sure to inform the master.

Facial massage in the GURU DAS SPA salon lasts for 1 hour. The course of chiromassage is 10-15 sessions on average. For a faster and more effective result, it is recommended to attend chiromassage 2-3 times a week. Do not have more than 3 courses per year.

Facial chiromassage: contradictions

Chiromassage of the face and body is contraindicated for those who at the time of the procedure have the following indications:

  • infectious diseases
  • inflammatory processes in the body
  • damage to skin tissue
  • high temperature
  • intoxication of the body
  • dermatological problems (acne, dry skin, peeling)

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 Prices for massage are in the section “Services and prices”.

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